For Health Care Providers

Care Coordination

Care coordination is a new field with a broad interpretation. Care coordination can be a standalone job, or a set of specific duties within a much wider scope of responsibilities.

Care coordination is also an activity (or set of activities) that family caregivers do. Family caregivers coordinate everything from nutrition to medical appointments to home maintenence to personal care. However, they are often separate from the work of professional care coordinators.

Family caregivers and professional care coordinators can benefit from a closer working relationship. Through partnering with family caregivers, the professional care coordinator can discover and rectify areas of weakness in care arrangements now, and prepare families for increased care coordination duties as the professional's services come to a close.

This guide provides the professional care coordinator with tips, structure, and food for thought in working effectively together with family caregivers.


The companion guide "A Family Caregiver's Guide to Care Coordination:"